Wednesday, September 27, 2006

What kind of car am I?

I'm a Chevrolet Corvette!

You're a classic - powerful, athletic, and competitive. You're all about winning the race and getting the job done. While you have a practical everyday side, you get wild when anyone pushes your pedal. You hate to lose, but you hardly ever do.

Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


I have been a post modernist. It tasted good for quite a while. But I have moved on.

My own definition of post modernism: To take all of the rules, structures and norms of society, church, institution etcetera, throw them up in the air; let them fall down any which way; try to make sense of them; question them to see if they have any value or not; throw them out if the don't have any value and keep them if they do.

I personally think that people do need to go through this process. The western world started the post modern movement in the 60s, so in many ways it is already quite old. The church has been quite afraid of the post modern movement. But if truth is truth then it should quite easily stand up to scrutiny and we should not be afraid to allow it to be tested. This has been the downfall of parts of the church- they have resisted questioning and scrutiny. Something should never be the way it is, just because that is the way it is. Everything is up for questioning.

Here is the crux though. There are two starting points for such questioning. 1) God is true and eternal- and I am therefore testing everything that is a human construction. OR 2) God is a human construction and he is also up for questioning. People have to be free to take the line of questioning in number 2 if they so choose. But it has to be said that this is not necessary for someone who already has a faith in God. I will readily admit that my line of questioning has been that of number 1, but then I have had real and tangible experiences with the true and eternal God. But I have thoroughly been through the questioning of world view number 1.

To ask a true and honest post-modern question it is necessary to not expect an answer any time soon. Allow the question to sink in. Allow it to permeate the soul and mind. The answer could take months or years. But here is the second crux- if God is true and eternal, there must always be an answer eventually. Modernism insists that the answer is obtainable now and through logic. Post modernism does not buy into such dogmatism. Post modernism says "I am a person and there is something much bigger than me, something I may never understand." But the truth is; God does understand me and he will help me to understand if I want to. The good news is, that God is not in a hurry.

The dangerous aspect of post modernism is that people can be self indulgent in the midst of it. It is right and necessary to question, but unhealthy to stay in the questioning for ever. I find it unhealthy when people are so bitter at the church and those in the church. This is not honest questioning. Yes, people in the institutional church need to question for themselves, but I think we should have some grace for them as they have not begun the process yet.

I would like to take the time to quote a great post-modern thinker, Alan Hirsch; "There is simplicity before complexity and simplicity after complexity. You need to take the time to go through the complexity, but eventually come out into simplicity on the other side."

Post-post-modernism is the simplicity on the other side. The post-post-modernist knows that there are no easy answers. The post-post-modernist thinks that modernism is a waste of time. The post-post-modernist has been through the complexity.

This post-post-modernist says "question, question, question, but do not be self indulgent in your questioning; resist the urge to be bitter in your questioning; be honest with yourself; know that God is true and eternal and that there is simplicity on the other side; take your time, there's no hurry, but don't be late and don't hate me for walking on and leaving the complexity behind."